January 19, 2012

Hola, familia!
Sounds like life is just moving right along up there! That’s crazy about the snowstorm! We still don’t have any down here. It did rain last night though, which was very refreshing. 🙂
It’s been another great week. I love the MTC, but I’m super excited to leave! I’m getting super antsy. We should be getting our travel plans today, so it’s a fabulous day! I do get to call you when I leave. I’ll let you know next week exactly when that will be though. I should be able to call you when I leave and then again when I get to Paraguay. Good stuff! Could you let me know what my bank accounts are like? I’m going to need to pull some to pay for baggage and stuff. Thanks!
I already have a cord for my camera, so you don’t need to send one. BUT I don’t have any use for it without a wall adaptor. Mckay should know what I need if you want to ask him. I have the usb cord and just need something like his wall adaptor for his ipod. Thanks so much!
That’s no bueno about Spencer! Let him know that I’m thinking about him and praying for him. Please let me know how things go.
Yesterday was a pretty crazy day. Our district got to be host missionaries again for the new missionaries coming in and it was super fun. When the new missionaries come in, they have a big meeting that night where they, as a group, get to teach an investigator and answer his or her questions. But before they start, a companionship that’s been here for a while goes in and gets the lesson started. They set up the environment for teaching and get to know what the needs of the investigator are. Then they get cut off by a moderator who then turns it over to the group of new missionaries. Hermana Simpson and I were asked to be the example missionaries that start it off. Pretty sure our first reaction went something like this… “…….NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!” Something like that. 🙂 In my mind, all I could think about was how I can’t show people how to start a lesson! I’m not good at that! But as I thought about it, I was able to realize how much I’ve learned since being here. It’s so crazy! So I just had to forget that we were hooked up to microphones and that we had 50 people watching us. And when I was able to remember that it was all about the investigator, it was just fine. I’m learning so much about just truly caring about the person that you’re teaching. And if you can do that and invite the Spirit in, then it will always go well. So it was a really good experience. It was frustrating though! We got cut off just as we were getting ready to tell him that his son wasn’t in limbo and testify of the love that our Savior has for him. Gah! I just wanted to finish the whole lesson with him! Haha but it was still good. Not a bad day!
I was able to finish reading The Book of Mormon the other day. Oh man, I love it. It’s so cool how you can get so many different things out of the same book. I’ve just been thinking about how much it has blessed my life. In a lesson we gave the day after, I was able to testify of the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon, and as I did, it just hit me how much I really meant it. I’m so grateful for the guidance of that in my life.
Well, I best be off. Sorry this was so scattered! But I love you so very much. Thank you for all that you do and for all the support that you give. You rock!
11 days ’til Paraguay!
Con amor,
Hermana Pingel
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January 12, 2012

Happy January 12th! Happy half-birthday! I may or may not have splurged and bought a Tide To Go stick to celebrate. Life’s good!
It was great to hear from you! I loved your Paraguay list. Haha when I meet Aragog, I’ll be sure to tell him you say hi. 🙂 And I got a Dear Elder from Katie too! You guys gust know how to make my day. 🙂 Speaking of Katie… fun story- We looked out the window the other night as we were getting ready for bed, and guess what we saw! Ok, ok I’ll tell you- floating lanterns! It was SO cool. There were just a ton of them going up. We ran outside in our pajamas and got a picture, but it just didn’t even do it justice. So. Awesome.
I haven’t heard anything about visa stuff yet. But I guess that also means that I haven’t heard anything negative about it either, so good news! I should be getting my travel plans by the end of next week! Which is good because I feel like in the last week, a page has turned and I’m just super excited to head out. 18 days!!
Super fun- I saw two faces from home this week! I ran into Ethan Griswold at breakfast Monday morning. Haha it totally caught me off guard, but it was great to see him and catch up a little bit. And then last night I ran into Maryn Seidl, who just came in yesterday and now lives right next door! It was definitely a fun suprise. So I’ll be seeing lots of her over the next few weeks. It was super exciting to see some familiar faces from home!
Speaking of home, a little something for Bri- I had a dream the other night that you asked me if I thought Harry Potter or Captain America was more racist. So to answer your question, I’d have to say Harry Potter. So there ya go.
Yesterday, our district got to be host missionaries for all the new missionaries coming in and it was super awesome. It was a ton of fun, and it was a bit of an eye opener too. I’ve learned SO much in the last 6 weeks. It’s almost surreal how much growth there is here in just a short amount of time. But it’s really cool. And I’ve still got a whole lot more learning to do!
Okay, Tuesday is a wonderful, wonderful day. Why? Because we have devotional. And Elder Russell M. Nelson came and spoke to us! It was so awesome. You would have LOVED it. He got up and said, “I’m not going to teach you methods. I’m not going to give you the ‘how’. I will teach the word of God, right out of the scriptures.” I loved that. And that’s exactly what he did! He focused his words on the Abrahamic covenant and shared scripture after scripture in the Old and New Testaments and the Book of Mormon. I’ll admit, a good portion of what he talked about was way over my head and I didn’t understand a whole lot, but it was super cool. The power that he spoke with was just incredible. One thing that I loved though, was when he shared Isaiah 18:2-3 where it says, “Go, ye swift messengers”. He talked about how we are the trumpeters and the swift messengers. And then he said what I think may be my new motto (or at least one of them). He said, “Keep your running shoes on.” Love it. I’ve got to make sure that I keep my running shoes on every day and give everything that I have every day. That’s something that I’m working on. But my favorite part of the devotional wasn’t listening to his talk, but listening to the musical number before he got up. The choir sang “Behold the Wounds in Jesus’ Hands’, which is one of my favorites anyway. But it was just incredibly powerful as I listened to the words and imagined myself actually kneeling before my Savior. I imagined that moment when I can kneel at His feet and just tell Him ‘thank you’ for what He has done for me. And the Spirit just came in and completely surrounded me. It was like a hug around my heart. 🙂 But it was just a really neat moment for me where I could sit and just feel the love of my Savior. I love it. 🙂
Well, I hope that all is well at home! I love you all tons and tons and appreciate your examples for me!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Pingel
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January 5, 2012

First one in the MTC in 2012!
Hola familia! Feliz año nuevo!
How weird that it’s already 2012! For New Years Eve, I turned my clock forward a couple  hours so we could celebrate midnight. We’ve got to be in bed by 10:30 so we couldn’t stay up, but I don’t think I would have been able to anyway!
It’s been a wonderful p-day. We went to a temple session this morning and it was SO fantastic. The temple  has been closed for the last two weeks, so it felt so good to be there. And then afterwards- okay, cool moment- I was in the locker room waiting for Hermana Simpson, when a lady walked in after doing a session. She said hi as she passed, and then stopped, turned around, and walked back over to me. She came up and said, “We just love you. We pray for you. Everybody is praying for you every day.” And then she walked away, and I was just all sorts of touched. It was so sweet and it really got me thinking about how much support the missionaries have. No wonder they’re so blessed and strengthened- people are praying for the missionaries all the time! And I guess sometimes I forget about all the help that I am and will be given. Super cool. Sometimes I realize that I’m a missionary and then I get all sorts of excited. 🙂 Actually, funny story. We’re in the laundry room, so basically everybody in here is in p-day clothes. I looked up and saw two elders in their white shirts and ties, and I got a little excited and said, (in my head, thankfully) “Oh hey, it’s the missionaries!” And then I had to remind myself that the whole room is full of missionaries, including me! Haha I think my lack of Vitamin D is getting to me…
I got a calling in our branch this week- I am the music coordinator. Fun stuff! So I get to pick all the music and such. Good thing I told you that just now, I forgot I had to do that today! Wait, forget? Me? Noooo.
Did you get my pictures? I have some others I’ll try to send out soon.
This week, I must confess, was a little rough with Spanish. We learned about subjunctive conjugations in class. I hardly even know what that is in English! So it was a rough few days. My brain just felt like mush that refused to take anything else in. But all’s well. The great thing about being in the intermediate class is that we learn that a lot earlier than the beginners do. They typically learn that in week 9.. yuck! So I’m glad I have 4 more weeks to try and figure it out before I leave. Speaking of which, I passed my half-way point here! Now it’s all just downhill, and it’s coming down to crunch time! It’s weird because the 5 weeks seemed to just fly by, so I feel like I don’t have hardly any time left!
Here’s something you might like to know- Hermana Simpson got an email from somebody in her family that is in Elder L. Tom Perry’s ward. I guess he got up and said that the church is about to meet some major opposition, especially this year with Mitt Romney running for President. He said that the church’s standards and beliefs and going to be scrutinized and attacked and it is crucial for members, especially the youth, to know the Articles of Faith. Not just know what they say, but what they mean. So keep up those Articles of Faith in Family Home Evening!
Well, life here is great as usual. I’m learning a whole lot and loving it all. When Elder Bednar came, he gave a study suggestion. He said to get a blank copy of The Book of Mormon, pick a gospel topic or question, and start to study it and mark it up with that in mind. And then when you finish, you write up a summary of what you learned, just in one paragraph. He told us that when we get to be his age, we should have a shelf full of copies of the Book of Mormon, each with paragraph answers to any questions we have had or what we’ve learned about certain topics. So I went and picked up 3 copies and I’m starting with the question ‘what is the character of Christ and how can I put it on more fully?’ I’m super excited for this study. It’s an awesome idea! You should try it!
I love you so much! I love reading your emails and being reminded of the love and support I have behind me. You rock! Have a wonderful week!
Con amor,
Hermana Pingel
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December 29, 2011

Hello, all! It was great to hear from you and hear all about your Christmas. And the musical themed letter? I was just busting up the whole time. Thank you. So much. And Taylor, really? That is THE most fantastic thing I have ever heard. I’m so proud! It sounds like Christmas was a wonderful, wonderful day. It was here too! 🙂
Okay the FBI clearance? Really? Haha, that’s funny. But I’m glad it finally came! The rest of the application has already been sent in though, right? A little part of me is hoping a little bit that my visa doesn’t come in time though… The MTC’s 50th anniversary celebration is on February 1st, and word is that it’s gonna be awesome. So I’ll be glad if it comes in, but if not… that will be okay too. 🙂
I feel like I just talked to you, so I don’t really have anything new to say! Not much has been going on this week. It has been great though. It’s weird- my eyes have still been bugging me, and they’ve never lasted this long before. But I slept in today, and that seems to have done the trick. It’s just a constant go, go, go here, but I think we’re good!
Well, I hit my 4 week mark yesterday, so I’m about half-way through my MTC life. So weird! I feel like I still have so much to learn! I’m learning more everyday about how to teach and how the Gospel applies to individuals. The hardest part, though, is expressing that in Spanish… But it’s getting better the more I work on it. I’m cracking down on it more now and trying to speak more of it in whatever I do. And it helps to know that the Spirit speaks every language. 🙂 I am a little horrified though. As I study more Spanish, my spelling gets worse. NOOOOO!!!
The fireside Sunday night was awesome. Elder William R. Walker of the Quorum of the Seventy came and gave us 10 keypoints to being successfull missionaries:
1. Focus on the Lord
2. Love the scriptures
3. Forget about yourself
4. Love the People
5. Follow the Mission President
6. Learn the Language of the Spirit
7. Work hard
8. Be Obedient
9. Be a Preach My Gospel missionary
10. Prepare yourself to go home and be a faithful member for the rest of your life
It was pretty cool because he just got up and taught from the scriptures. That was most of what his talk was, just scriptures. So it really encouraged me to turn more to the scriptures every day of my life. As a district, we’re taking two of these keypoints a week and working on them individually and as a group. So this week we’re focusing on the Lord and trying to love the scriptures more. It was a great talk, and I think we’re all a bit more motivated to be better and to give more.
I found a new favorite scripture! I guess two new favorites. They are Doctrine and Covenants 123:16-17. Look them up- they’re grrrrreat!
I love you all so much and greatly appreciate your love and support and examples. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’!
Con amor,
Hermana Pingel
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Merry Christmas!!!!!

 Today just keeps getting better and better! I hope you have all had a wonderful day thus far! The last two days have been FANtastic. They are taking great care of us and keeping us busy with lots of good stuff. Last night, we had a Christmas Eve fireside, and it was super great. They did a Nativity pageant and it was incredible. It was just a bunch of missionaries that played different parts while we sang Christmas hymns. It was super simple and wasn’t really different at all from the usual Nativity pageant. But as I sat there and watched the humble scene with the wise men and the shepherds bowing down to the Baby Jesus, the Spirit just came in and took over. I was suddenly completely overwhelmed by love and gratitude for my Savior, Jesus Christ and all that He has done for me. It just hit me that I was watching a depiction of a scene that really did happen two thousand years ago. It was all I could do not to go up and join the shepherds and wise men on their knees. It was just so real as I thought about Jesus Christ and all that He did, was, does, and is. I can honestly say that I am coming to appreciate and love Him in a way that I never have. It was really a wonderful moment where I was able to just sit and appreciate and ponder on the Baby in Bethlehem and all that He means for me.
Last night we built a Christmas tent and put up a Christmas tree inside it. (Pictures will follow soon. Be careful- they might blow your mind.) It was fairly awesome. 🙂 Thanks so much for all the presents! They’re all so great and perfect! Haha I loved the jammies! Thanks!
This morning we had a huge sacrament meeting (2,120 missionaries.. sheesh!) with… Elder David A. Bednar! It was so awesome. He spoke with us about the character of Christ and putting it on ourselves as we put off the natural man. He did an excellent Cookie Monster impression as he spoke about how the natural man always looks inward at his own needs and desires instead of looking outward. Wonderful. 🙂 He talked to us about the difference between having a testimony and being truly converted to the Lord. It’s good to have a testimony, and it’s crucial to have one as a foundation, but if a testimony is all that we have, we aren’t going to make it. A testimony is what you know to be true, but conversion is consistently being true to what you know.  We have to learn to instinctively look outward, even and especially when we feel we have every right to look inward. As we do this, we put on the character of Christ. Our character becomes the same as His character as we have His image engraven upon our countenances. It was so cool. We were on the fifth row back for the meeting and it was just kind of humbling to think that I was sitting 25 feet away from an apostle of God and got to learn at his feet about our Savior and how I can become more like Him. And the icing on the cake? When he and his wife were driving out of the parking lot, he rolled down his window and wished a group of us a Merry Christmas. Haha it was fun to listen to some of the Elders argue about who he said it to. Love it!
Well, I don’t have much time, especially since the computer freezes up every 10 seconds. Pretty sure the whole MTC is emailing right now… But I want you all to know that I love you tons and tons. I love being here and I love the things that I’m learning and the people that I’m meeting. I’m so grateful for this Christmas season that helps us remember Jesus Christ and all that He means for all of us. I hope that your Christmas has been a wonderful one. Thanks again for all the Christmas gifts and for all your love and support. Give everybody Christmas hugs for me! I love you all!
Con amor,
Hermana Pingel
Ps. Give Jaxon belated Birthday hugs for me! I forgot to say happy birthday on p-day… oops! Love ya!!!
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December 22, 2011

Hola! Fue una semana fantastica como siempre. 🙂 Es muy estraña que la Navidad solament es en 3 dias! Estoy muy animada! Vamos a edeficar una tienda de Navidad en Sabado. Este fin de semana va a ser maravilloso. 🙂
Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve! It doesn’t really feel like it’s almost here.. There’s still no snow here either! We are just ready for it to come. Especially since we don’t have to drive in it or anything. Hopefully it comes soon! I did get a package yesterday- thanks so much! I also got a package from Grandma the other day. She’s so fantastic. 🙂 Speaking of packages- did McKay ever get mine that I sent him?
It’s been quite the week. I feel like time is just flying by. It was just barely P-day! I hit my 3 week mark yesterday, so if I were going to an English speaking mission, I’d be leaving any day. So I’m super glad I’m staying- I feel like I have too much too learn! And I’m meeting lots of awesome people too. Our class is right next to advanced classes, so we get to know a lot of new people. The only bad part of that is that they’re only here for 3 weeks, so we get to become good friends and then they all leave! Lame! Oh by the way, there’s an Elder Cisternas that just left this week for the Spokane mission. He’s super awesome. If you ever run into him, be sure to say hi! He said he’d keep an eye out for any Pingels. The Spanish is coming along very well. It’s so crazy how much we’ve already learned, especially since we switched to intermediate. We try to have ‘un ayuno de ingles’ every day where we take an hour or so and just speak Spanish. It helps a lot, and it’s super fun. But I look forward to the day when I can just roll some long Spanish something off my tongue without having to think about it for forever. 😉
I was told a lot before I came to obey with exactness and I would be blessed. I didn’t think that much of it or think it would be a problem, but now that I’m here… It’s been a bit of a problem.. We’re supposed to be in class every morning at 7 for personal study. Funny story.. I’m slow. And so is my compañera. So we decided we needed to do better and came up with consequences for being late to class. My punishment? You might enjoy this. If we’re late, I don’t get to have any milk all day. And I’m telling you, that’s the kick in the pants that I needed! Haha we’ve only been late once since then, and even that was a close call at only a minute and a half after 7, but exactness is exactness. Haha, we’re getting better. 🙂
We haven’t really gone anywhere. We get to go on Sunday walks up to the temple, which are wonderful, but other than that, we just stick around here. Although today we’re gonna head down to the BYU pharmacy down the street so my companion can pick up some medicine. Kind of exciting! We got to go clean the temple this morning. It was so great. It’s closed for the next few weeks, so it was really great to be there. We got to clean the sealing rooms. Best chore ever. 🙂
It’s been crazy- my eyes have been fairly lame for the last week and a half. It’s weird because they’ve never done this for so long before. So I asked an Elder in my district for a blessing on Sunday, and it was one of those, ‘this will make you stronger’ blessings. Not what I was hoping for… but it’s still been a big help. It’s no fun at all, but I was told taht it would help me be able to serve the Lord with a greater capacity. Haha I’m not entirely sure what that means, but it always helps to know that the Lord is aware of you and knows why certain things are happening. I may not understand, but He does, so that’s good enough for me.
I’m learning so much about how the Spirit works through people to answer prayers and to just teach where it is truly needed. I’m learning to trust in the Lord when I prepare for a lesson and to listen as we teach. The Spirit is a much better teacher than I could ever be. I’m trying to become the kind of person that is always open to having that Spirit come in and take over. A very inspiried substitute teacher came in yesterday, basically threw out the lesson plan for the class, and just talked with us. He talked to us about becoming a missionary versus just doing missionary things. So that’s my goal these days. I want to become a missionary and become a representative of Jesus Christ instead of just going through the motions. I’m so excited that I get to be here for Christmas and just focus completely on my Savior and how I can become more like Him. I hope that we can all do that this Christmas season, and every season and every day for the rest of our lives. It’s truly a lifelong journey to become like Christ, so I think the earlier our start, the better. I love you all so much, and hope you have the best Christmas yet!
With more love than a scoreless tennis match,
Hermana Pingel
P.S. The Church has put out some new videos on lds.org about Christmas. Elder L. Whitney Clayton came to devotional on Tuesday and showed us. Check them out- they’re fantastic!
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December 15, 2011

Hola, familia! Me encanté su mensaje de español! Le extraño Google Translate. Como útil sería!
***(Google translate says: “Hello family! I love his message of Spanish!  I wonder Google Translate.  How useful would it be!”)
Haha, hopefully I said that right. I’m still working on it… Things are FANtastic here. I’m learning so much. It’s weird to think that I’ve only been here two weeks because I feel like we’ve already come so far. But at the same time, it’s so weird to think that I’ve ALREADY  been here for two weeks. Time’s flying! Yesterday, Hermana Simpson and I found a good seat at a window by the drop off area and watched the drama of new missionaries getting dropped off. By the way, super fun/funny. We enjoyed it a little too much. Weird that that was us just a while ago!
The Spanish is chugging right along. It’s been harder in the intermediate class, but it is definitely paying off. It’s getting a lot easier to speak and understanding is getting better too. But there are still more than enough moments where the teacher says something and all he gets back is a blank stare and a slightly dropped mouth. Haha it’s super humbling. But we’ll get there. 🙂
It was great to hear about home! I have been getting your Dear Elders and I love them. I wish I had more time throughout the week to respond! Haha I do want you to know though that the day you said you prayed I’d have mashed potatoes and gravy? Totally did. It was a good day! Thanks!
The concert sounds fantastic. How fun to have that many students sing your song! I’m gonna have that stuck in my head all day now. Suavé!
I did get my glasses. Thank you so much for sending them! They came at the perfect time, actually. Thanks! Could I get you to send a few more things? I’m so sorry; I feel so needy. Yuck. I think I left my usb cord adaptor in my room. I kinda need it to charge my camera. And I need a white shirt too. I have one that’s just a plain white crew neck and it should just be with my other clothes. Could I get the newer one? Sorry- I thought I brought it… One more thing- I sent Mckay something. Could you just let me know when he gets it? I don’t want it lost in the mail..
Well, life is fantastic and i’m just loving it. Sister Elaine S. Dalton came for the devotional on Tuesday, and it was amazing. She had some wonderful things to say. I wish I could just share with you all the good stuff I learned and felt! I have been SO blessed with the best companion and roomies, and all the Elders in both my old and my new district all feel like brothers. I’m learning so much from everybody and just hope that I can give as much as much as they’ve all given me. I’m learning a lot about the importance of teaching with the Spirit. Scripture of the week? Doctrine and Covenants 84:88. It’s such a comfort to remember that the Lord is always with us, especially as we go about His work. He has blessed us with the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide us in all that we do. We just have to do our part and invite that Spirit in! I love this Gospel, and I love my Savior. I’m so grateful to be here learning more every day. I hope all’s well and that you all have a wonderful week! Te amo!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Pingel
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First e-mail from the MTC

(Please note: MTC mailbox address has changed.  Instead of #175, she is now #141.)
Hola, familia!
What an AMAZING week it has been! This place is absolutely incredible, and I am loving every minute of it. It’s been pretty crazy though.. I’m already in my third district! Haha I switched districts on my first day because my companion didn’t show up, which was definitely a huge blessing. I have the best companion and the best roommates. My companion is Hermana Simpson and I have so much to learn from her. She’s fun, outgoing, and loves the gospel. We get along really well! We’ve been extremely blessed to be put together. We were put in the beginner Spanish class on the first day, but the teachers decided that we needed to be moved up to the intermediate class. So there’s district number three! How convenient that both of us knew the same amount and got to move together! It’s been almost bizarre to get here and suddenly remember so much of the Spanish that I learned in high school. The Spirit is definitely working with me and helping me in a way that I never understood! In our classes, we have teachers that come in and act as investigators for us to teach. We started to teach on our first full day here- in Spanish! But it is cool to see how the Spirit comes in when we testify, regardless of the language or of our inability to say the words that we want. So we teach in Spanish, we try to pray in Spanish as much as possible, and we’ll get there. It was extremely humbling to switch classes. We went from being in a situation where we were feeling pretty good about the language and were understanding most of what was being said to suddenly being thrown into a class where the teachers speak 100 miles and hour and we have no idea what is going on! It’s definitely difficult, but I can feel the Lord helping me remember and learn. So fantastic!
P-day today! So we got to go the the temple this morning and it was FANtastic. The Spirit was incredibly strong and it was great to just sit and feel of my Heavenly Father’s love for me. It’s been a wonderful day!
It was really cool- yesterday in class, our teacher had us sit down and write down some goals of what kind of missionary/person we want to be in 18 months. Hermana Simpson and I shared our lists and I thought I’d share mine with you! So here’s who I want to be by the time I finish my mission:
1. I want to naturally love people. Truly love people, even if I only see them for 2 seconds.
2. I want to be able to be aware of my weaknesses but not be afraid of them.
3. I want to have a relationship with God that is real and strong.
4. I want to be exactly obedient. No exceptions.
5. I never want to let an opportunity pass where I can serve somebody.
6. I want to glory in my God every single day.
7. I want to always live worthily so I can let the Spirit work through me at any given time.
8. I want to always move forward with faith, never looking back.
So that’s where I want to be. I stuck that list in my scriptures (my new Spanish ones engraved with ‘Hermana Pingel’- Yay!) so I can keep referring to it and try my best to become who my Savior wants me to be. I’m so grateful for this Gospel and I feel myself coming to love my Savior more and more every day. His Atonement is a gift that I could never repay him for, but I hope to give that message of love to everybody that I can. Give everybody hugs for me! I love you all so much! Have a fabulous week!
Con amor, Hermana Pingel 🙂
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First letter from the MTC!

Hola Familia!

Hello from the MTC! I LOVE it here! It is such an amazing place and it’s a spiritual feast ALL the time. My companion is Hermana Simpson and she’s awesome.  She is so sincere about this work and just wants to be the best she can be.  I’m definitely going to learn a lot from her. She’s heading to New Jersey.

Well, we were encouraged to write out families and thank them.  And all I could think about was how amazing this place is and what the Spirit is like here and how much of a blessing it is to be called to bring this message across the world.l  It is a message of healing, love, forgiveness, strength, happiness and hope.  It is such an honor to be called to invite people to come to Christ to receive all those things – and more! So, my thanks is for getting me to where I am today.  Your examples have taught me how to live, how to treat others and most importantly – how to love.  Thank you for teaching me how to be worthy to be here.

(time out….this next part I took out.  It was about shots she got, things I need to send, and money she needs!…)

Well, I’d better go.  I love you more than I can even say and I appreciateall you do.  And if there’s anything that I’ve learned so far, it’s that Heavenly Father loves you too, just as He loves each and every one of His children.  Never forget it! I love you lots and will write again soon!

Love, Hermana Pingel



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God be with you til we meet again..



All went well at the airport this morning.  She looked great and was excited to finally be going.  It’s always tough to separate, but we are hanging on to a feeling of gratitude for her and her willingness and worthiness to serve.   I’ll be updating this blog weekly and as I receive her emails, I will place them here for all to read. If you ever want to leave a comment, I will be printing them out and will sending them to her. A big thank you to everyone for the love and support we have received.  You have strengthened us and blessed us.

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